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Our Work

Garnet Williams (she/they) and Dani Martineck (they/them) in AT HOTEL MACGUFFIN by M Sloth Levine. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

Donovan Wayne Christie Jr. (he/him) and Joyce Griffen (she/her) in THIS STRETCH OF MONTPELIER by Kelley Nicole Girod. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

T Mitsock (she/her) and Ashil Lee (they/he) in BIOLOGY PLAY by Reid Pope. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

Jordan Donaldson (he/him) and Josephine Florence Cooper (she/they) in THIS STRETCH OF MONTPELIER by Kelley Nicole Girod. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

Emily Keefe (she/her) and Emily Batsford (they/them) in our filmed stage production of STOP-MOTION by Liz Kerin. (Copy)

Dorothi Fox (she/her), Carole Monferdini (she/her), and Bailey Macejak (she/her) in THIS STRETCH OF MONTPELIER by Kelley Nicole Girod. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

Ashley Noel Jones (she/her), Suzanne Darrell (she/her), and Anthony Goss (he/him) in MIRRORS by Azure D. Osborne-Lee. (Copy)
Photo by John Quilty.

Ashil Lee (they/he) and T Mitsock (she/her) in BIOLOGY PLAY by Reid Pope.. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

Wendy Morgan (she/her) and Cynthia Straus (she/her) in DUET by Otho Eskin. (Copy)
Photo by Ali Wright.

Lizzie Milanovich (they/them), Dani Martineck (they/them), and Garnet Williams (she/they) in AT HOTEL MACGUFFIN by M Sloth Levine. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

Dorothi Fox (she/her) and Carole Monferdini (she/her) in THIS STRETCH OF MONTPELIER by Kelley Nicole Girod. (Copy)
Photo by Ashley Garrett.

Kayland Jordan (she/her), Natalie Jacobs (she/her), and AnJu Hyppolite (she/her) in MIRRORS by Azure D. Osborne-Lee. (Copy)
Photo by John Quilty.

Ashil Lee (they/he) and T Mitsock (she/her) in BIOLOGY PLAY by Reid Pope. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

Natalie Jacobs (she/her), AnJu Hyppolite (she/her), Kayland Jordan (she/her), and Joyia D. Bradley (she/her) in MIRRORS by Azure D. Osborne-Lee. (Copy)
Photo by John Quilty.

Riylan Mills (she/her), T Mitsock (she/her), and Ashil Lee (they/he) in BIOLOGY PLAY by Reid Pope. (Copy)
Photo by Allison Stock.

Joyia D. Bradley (she/her) and Suzanne Darrell (she/her) in MIRRORS by Azure D. Osborne-Lee (Copy)
Photo by John Quilty.

Carole Monferdini (she/her) and Tandy Cronyn (she/her) in THIS STRETCH OF MONTPELIER by Kelley Nicole Girod. (Copy)
Photo by Ashley Garrett.