Gender Resources
On November 29th, 2023, we produced a Town Hall with Theater Resources Unlimited to discuss the trans and gender-expansive experience in theater. The Town Hall was moderated by our Literary Manager Jaye Hunt, and featured Gylanni Carrington, Anessa Marie, Futaba Shioda, and Garnet Williams.
Click the image to watch the full Town Hall. Highlights are also available here.
One of the joys of the LGBTQIA+ community is that language is constantly shifting to accommodate a fuller understanding of ourselves and each other. We have organized this list to follow a possible logical flow for someone who is unfamiliar with most or all of these terms (rather than organizing alphabetically). We strive to keep this list of terms as updated as possible, but please let us know if we've overlooked something.
Have feedback on this page? Contact us at, and check out the linked resources at the bottom of the page.


Pronouns (and how to use them):
Pronouns are gendered parts of speech that individuals use to describe themselves. Pronouns do not always equal gender or gender expression. Widely-accepted pronouns in English are she/her/hers, he/him/his, and they/them/theirs.
Neopronouns, which aren't officially recognized by their parent language, are also common in trans and gender nonconforming communities. Some examples are xe/xem/xyr and ze/hir/hirs, and ey/em/eir.
The most important things to remember about pronouns are (a) ask for them, even if you think you know what pronouns someone uses—do not assume someone’s gender; (b) use them, even if the individual is not present; (c) if you make a mistake, correct yourself and move on/do better next time without overapologizing; and (d) help normalize the inclusion of pronouns in everyday interactions by giving your own (in your email signature is an easy place to do this).
The Atlantic | 10 Words Transgender People Want You to Know (But Not Say)
Best Broadway Musicals | The Evolution of LGBTQIA+ Narratives on Broadway
Call Me They by AC Dumlao
Gender Wiki
GLAAD | Media reference guide - Transgender glossary of terms
HISKIND | No Girls Allowed: Examining the Validity of the Bio Queen and Their Role in Queer Environments
Honest Accomplice Theatre | Trans Literacy Project (also on YouTube)
HRC Welcoming Schools | LBGTQ definitions for adults
Intersex Society of North America | What is intersex?
Medium | A Response To "Why Faux-Queens Deserve A Place In Drag Culture"
National Center for Transgender Equality (FAQ page)
Pidgeon Pagonis
Planned Parenthood | Transgender identity terms and labels
Pride Counseling
them. | What Does Queer Mean?
TLDEF (Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund)
Trans Lifeline
Trans Student Educational Resource (TSER) | LBGTQ+ definitions
The Trevor Project
TSER | The Gender Unicorn