Qualifying Productions logo. A white rectangle with a blue border. Text inside the rectangle in blue and black reads: “qualifying productions.” Text underneath and to the left of the rectangle in orange reads: “support for other theatre companies th…

Due to COVID-19 and the continued closure of theatre venues in the City, we are currently not accepting productions for our Qualifying Productions program. Please check back at a later date regarding when our process will resume. And be sure to visit our COVID-19 Qualifying Productions Archive of the Qualifying Productions that were canceled, postponed, or cut short due to COVID-19.

Share your production at any time to be listed in our online directory and to receive a social media shout out.

Share your production by the 25th of the month to be included in the following month’s press release and email newsletter to our subscribers. Your show will then continue to be featured in our press release and email newsletter each month during its run.

Use hashtag #QualifyingProduction or #QualifyingProductions for all posts on Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

In accordance with New York State Law, the New York State Office of the Attorney General requires that the website and telephone number for the Attorney General’s Charities Bureau be included on all solicitations. They are as follows: https://www.charitiesnys.com/ Phone: (212) 416-8401 A copy of Parity Productions' (EIN 13-4043424) latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from the organization or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, 15th Floor, New York, New York 10005.