The Facts
One of the key pillars of Parity Productions’ work is our promotion of those most often underrepresented in the theatre—women, trans, and gender-expansive artists. Awareness of existing gender bias in hiring practices on Broadway and beyond is increasing, but there's something about seeing the numbers that brings the facts home. That’s why our “The Facts” page is populated with data from several sources highlighting the gaps between who is hired to write for, direct for, and design for the theatre, and who is not.
Here are some of our colleagues in the industry who are doing the good work for gender parity in theatre.
Check them out! (And let us know at if your favorite org isn't listed here.)
TRANS LAB - NYC-based play group for trans and gender nonconforming theater artists supported by the Public Theater and WP Theater. "As transgender stories are co-opted, commercialized, and misrepresented by cisgender writers, Trans Lab will support the creation of a critical mass of TGNC plays by TGNC writers."
THE KILROYS - LA-based group of producers and playwrights who publish a yearly nationwide list of excellent un- and underproduced plays by women and trans playwrights. Check out the most recent version of The List.
HONEST ACCOMPLICE THEATRE - NYC-based theater company "with a mission to generate dialogue and stimulate change by focusing on topics that are often silenced, seen as shameful, or portrayed as one-dimensional, specifically through the lens of the women and trans experience."
MUSICAL THEATRE FACTORY (MTF) - NYC-based "volunteer-driven nonprofit artist service organization dedicated to helping musical theatre makers develop and present new work in a collaborative environment free from the pressures of critical or commercial success."